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which class is right for me?

Beginners and Beyond classes are open level welcoming abilities from beginners to beyond!

The focus of the class is to help build strong foundations to help you safely build length and strength in the body, in turn creating space in your body and mind.

Expect to weave your way through a deliciously gently paced yoga sequence, designed to leave you feeling stronger, softer and a little taller and lighter in mind.

This class synchronises movement with the breath at a gentle and opening pace.  I also introduce aspects of meditation, mindfulness and breathwork (pranayama) to compliment the movement of the body.

Allow me to take you on a journey that will leave you feeling calm and connected in body, mind, and breath.

The perfect class for those who would like to explore a slower paced flow style of Yoga.

Tuesday evenings         6.15pm
Henry Hinde Infant's School, Bilton
Wednesday mornings 9.30am Bilton Bowling Club, Bawnmore Rd Wednesday evenings  6.15pm
Henry Hinde Infant's School, Bilton
Thursday evenings       6.30pm Dunchurch Village Hall
Friday mornings             9.30am Cawston Community Hall


beginners & beyond



Yoga Flow classes are for those with a little prior yoga experience.

Join me for a more energising, faster paced class to welcome some heat and build strength whilst deepening flexibility, combining movement and breath for the ultimate mind-body practice. This class is perfect if you want to feel strong, flexible and balanced. 

Strong emphasis is placed on breath awareness in synchronisation to movement, as we mindfully flow from one pose to the next. These classes will help improve your strength, flexibility, co-ordination and balance. 

Enjoy a lovely flowing sequence which will embrace strength as well as softness. Always aiming to find the balance between ease & effort, you will walk away not only feeling challenged, but also refreshed & relaxed! 

Tuesday AND Wednesday nights,
Henry Hinde Infant School at 7.30pm

Pregnancy Yoga is suitable from 14 weeks of pregnancy. 
For more information on these classes please click here.
Thursday nights at 7.45pm, Dunchurch Village Hall


postnatal YOGA

Postnatal Yoga is suitable 6 weeks from birth until your baby is crawling. 
For more information on these classes please click here.
Wednesday mornings at 10.45am Bilton Bowling Club, Ba
wnmore Rd

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