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'Just wanted to thank you for the class on Thursday, it's the 1st time since I found out I was pregnant that I have felt like myself.

I've almost been afraid of my body until now and it just felt amazing to do something that felt so good and natural.

I had the best night's sleep for ages afterwards and last night truly felt my baby move for the 1st time!

I believe your class has already helped me to begin to tune back into my body and therefore start to bond with my baby too.
Thankyou so much, I can't wait for next week!! - Mae

Thank you so much for building a local community as part of the yoga classes, as well as having a flexible, approachable and understanding approach. You really make a difference to our experience of maternity. - Gemma 


The biggest turning point in my yoga journey was pregnancy yoga. 


Pregnancy yoga gave me the tools to connect in with my ever changing body, to learn how to respond and find ease and also led me to a very natural birth, where, most importantly, I was in control.  This was all thanks to having learnt the ability to tune into my body and how to use my breath; using my breath to release tension, learning how to focus on parts of my body to find a little bit of ease.

Join me to develop these skills.  


Time to connect with yourself and your changing body. 


Time to connect with your growing baby. 


Time to be you, with nothing else to do for 75 minutes other than be simply be, creating space in your body and your mind.

During pregnancy, yoga can play a key role in enhancing the experience of this precious time and empower the mother-to-be to have the most conscious birth experience.

Pregnancy yoga is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners – helping women enjoy their pregnancy with minimal discomfort, cultivate breath awareness and strengthen the body in preparation for labour.

Yoga offers you the opportunity to connect with your baby, and you will leave each class feeling deeply relaxed and take with you relaxation techniques you can use during your pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Coming to classes is also a great way to feel part of a community of other women enjoying the same life-changing journey – often the starting place for deep friendships.   

You are welcome to start from the 14th week of pregnancy.  No previous yoga experience required.


when to practice

Be conscious of how your body feels and seek medical advice regarding any health issues. General guidelines are that you:


Rest during the first trimester (unless you already have a regular yoga practice)


Start yoga in the second trimester (from 14 weeks)


Continue your classes until before birth


Take up postnatal classes after birth


It’s never too late to practice prenatal yoga!

So whatever stage in your pregnancy, come along and experience the benefits of yoga under my care, and leave deliciously relaxed, recharged and connected..


DUNCHURCH village hall

benefits of pregnancy yoga

  • increases your energy

  • empowers the mother-to-be to have conscious birth experience

  • keeps you fit whilst being sensitive to the baby and to you

  • decreases stress and anxiety

  • strengthens birthing muscles

  • quickens postpartum recovery

  • improves sleep

  • reduces backache

  • improves circulation

  • promotes healthy birth


'The all fours move you did on the last class (where we moved from all fours to child pose and back again) proved very useful! As did the visualisations.

Thank you for everything you taught me throughout my pregnancy.' - Pip


'Thank you so much for all your support, every time my head said you can't do this I channeled your voice saying you can do this.' - Louise

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